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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University September 6, 2005 | Vol. 35 No. 1

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New general counsel named
Steve Dunham, longtime higher ed attorney, to join JHU in December

Steve Dunham is a partner in the international firm Morrison & Foerster and a former vice president and general counsel of the University of Minnesota.

For Steve Dunham, being a lawyer for colleges and universities hasn't been so much a job as a calling. "My view is that higher education law practice is pure public interest law," said Dunham, appointed last week as vice president and general counsel of Johns Hopkins.
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United Way 2005 goal set at $2,568,000
Jim Happel of APL, one of the three chairs of this year's United Way campaign, said that his goal is to "encourage a willingness to give" and increase participation by at least 5 percent. To accomplish this, the Lab has chosen to focus on the "learn" part of the United Way of Central Maryland's 2005 campaign theme, "Learn, Give, Help."
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New compensation system for staff is unveiled
The Johns Hopkins University and Health System have recently completed the design of a new job classification system. For the university, this new system, scheduled for implementation in spring 2006, will replace the current pay grade system that has been in place for more than 20 years.
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Katrina's aftermath: Johns Hopkins responds

Thinking Out Loud by William R. Brody

Nose doesn't smell like the eyes see, Hopkins scientists find

Students to host 9/11 vigil on Homewood campus

A new director and a new era for Hubble's custodian

Homewood bound: The class of 2009 begins its journey

HopkinsOne determines status of existing software systems

Decisions, decisions, decisions: Male or female?

Modified collagen could yield important medical applications

Nurse researcher named Institute of Medicine scholar in residence


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