Blimp over Homewood
Students' helium-filled airship tests near-space military

Using a 17-foot-long helium-filled blimp, four
propellers and sophisticated electronics, three Johns
Hopkins undergraduates have built a model airship that will
aid professional engineers who are designing a military
craft to conduct surveillance at the outer edge of the
Earth's atmosphere.
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JHU is first in R&D spending
The Johns Hopkins University performed $1.24 billion
in scientific, medical and engineering research in fiscal
year 2003, making it — for the 25th year in a row
— the country's leading academic institution in such
expenditures, according to a new National Science
Foundation ranking.
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Maryland nonprofit employment continues to
While job growth in the for-profit sector in Maryland
has remained stagnant, the state's nonprofit sector
continues to grow, adding 4,300 new jobs in 2003, the
latest year for which statistics are available.
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