A star-studded symposium
James Carville leads off speaker series focused on American
mass media

One of the city's highest profile speaker series
— Johns Hopkins' annual Milton S.
Eisenhower Symposium — gets under way this week
on the Homewood campus when author and political pundit
James Carville takes a look at "The State of American
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Campaign's impact, close to JHU
Funds donated to the Central Maryland United Way
campaign not only help keep alive a large umbrella of
affiliated services throughout the region; a significant
portion of the money goes directly to agencies right in
Johns Hopkins' own backyard, many of them organizations
with which university employees are intimately
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Researcher awarded $1.7 million to study rare brain
Johns Hopkins has received a five-year $1.7 million
grant from the National Institutes of Health to support
research into the cognitive problems experienced by people
with a rare genetic disorder known as Williams
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