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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University September 19, 2005 | Vol. 35 No. 3

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A star-studded symposium
James Carville leads off speaker series focused on American mass media

James Carville, Bill Clinton campaign strategist, opens the MSE Symposium.

One of the city's highest profile speaker series — Johns Hopkins' annual Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium — gets under way this week on the Homewood campus when author and political pundit James Carville takes a look at "The State of American Politics."
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Campaign's impact, close to JHU
Funds donated to the Central Maryland United Way campaign not only help keep alive a large umbrella of affiliated services throughout the region; a significant portion of the money goes directly to agencies right in Johns Hopkins' own backyard, many of them organizations with which university employees are intimately involved.
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Researcher awarded $1.7 million to study rare brain disorder
Johns Hopkins has received a five-year $1.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to support research into the cognitive problems experienced by people with a rare genetic disorder known as Williams syndrome.
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SoN receives funding to continue support of student training abroad

Estelle Fishbein, longtime general counsel, honored for her service

Researchers determine how the brain understands pictures

For the Record: Newly announced recipients bring total of Fulbrights to 14

For the Record: The Johns Hopkins University statement of ethical standards

Embryonic Stem Cells Accrue Genetic Changes

Public Health's Center for a Livable Future announces fellows and projects

Afghan refugee children, young adults prone to injury, study finds


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