A picture-perfect day at Homewood
Commencement 2005
Baltimore's gray skies turned a brilliant blue on
Thursday, when thousands of men and women marched onto
Homewood Field as Johns Hopkins students and left as
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Scholarships awarded in memory of Chris
Brian Kinsella of Freehold, N.J., and Benjamin
Douglass McAbee of Hagerstown, Md., will receive
scholarships for the coming academic year in memory of
Christopher B. Elser, the university and Elser's family
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Language cues provide 'glue' for visual learning in
Language cues can provide the "glue" that helps fasten
certain visual patterns into small children's memories,
according to results presented by a Johns Hopkins graduate
student at the 17th annual meeting of the American
Psychological Society, held May 26 to 29 in Los
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