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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University January 9, 2006 | Vol. 35 No. 16

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James Earl Jones to lead MLK tribute
Actor and Sen. Sarbanes to be honored for their lifetime service

Though best known for his highly visible work on stage and screen, James Earl Jones is also acclaimed for his contributions to the arts and literacy.

Legendary star of stage and screen James Earl Jones will be the featured guest and keynote speaker for Johns Hopkins' annual Martin Luther King Jr. birthday remembrance, an event that takes place this year on Friday, Jan. 13. Begun in 1982, the Johns Hopkins Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration honors the Nobel Peace Prize winner's legacy of nonviolent activism and community service. It will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Turner Auditorium on the East Baltimore campus and will be broadcast to several other university and health system locations.
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United Way campaign tops its goal
Due to a strong start and robust final weeks, the 2005 Johns Hopkins United Way campaign has surpassed its goal. As of Jan. 5, the official last day pledges were marked toward the 2005 United Way of Central Maryland campaign, the combined contributions from those at the university, Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Applied Physics Laboratory totaled $2.69 million, nearly $94,000 past the desired mark.
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New view of cancer: 'Epigenetic' changes come first
A Johns Hopkins researcher, with colleagues in Sweden and at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, suggests that the traditional view of cancer as a group of diseases with markedly different biological properties arising from a series of alterations within a cell's nuclear DNA may have to give way to a more complicated view. In the January issue of Nature Reviews Genetics, online Dec. 21, he and his colleagues suggest that cancers instead begin with "epigenetic" alterations to stem cells.
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D.J. Haldeman named marketing and communications VP at JHM

ICE study: New neurons take baby steps in the adult brain

Abdominal chemo boosts survival in ovarian cancer patients

CCP awarded $30 million for health products and services in Uganda

Remembering Johns Hopkins

Homewood House exhibit looks at written word of early 1800s

Claude Earl Fox of Urban Health Institute to leave Johns Hopkins

ICM Artists exec tapped to head Shriver Hall Concert Series

Major inflammatory systems linked; could make COX-2 inhibitors safer

Iron particles, MRI could track stem cell therapy, deploy stents

Guidelines needed to help care for children during emergencies


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