Foreign Affairs 2006: 'Ideologies in
Thomas Friedman, noted columnist and author, opens

A night with renowned New York Times columnist
Thomas Friedman will commence the eighth annual
Foreign Affairs Symposium, a student-run series that each
year brings to the Homewood campus a celebrated group of
high-powered speakers to address matters of global
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Medicine, Engineering eye new
Faculty from the
School of Medicine and the
School of
Engineering will convene today for an all-day
conference, the goal of which is to develop a roadmap for
how the two schools can put Johns Hopkins at the forefront
of medical technology.
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Venerable ultraviolet satellite returns to
NASA's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer astronomy
satellite is back in full operation, its aging onboard
software control system rejuvenated and its mission
extended by enterprising scientists and engineers after a
near-death experience in December 2004.
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