Tues., May 26, noon. "Engineering Cellular
Dynamics," a Biological Chemistry seminar with Takanari
Inoue, SoM. 612 Physiology. EB
Tues., May 26, 4 p.m. "Exploring the Theoretical
Limits of Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection,"
a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with Robert
Siliciano, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
W2030 SPH. EB
Thurs., May 28, noon. "Planar Cell Polarity: Linking
Developmental Regulatory Mechanisms to Basic
Cellular Machinery During Morphogenesis," a Cell Biology
seminar with John Wallingford, University of
Texas, Austin. Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB
Mon., June 1, 2 p.m. "Developmental Disorders and
Cognitve Impairment Among Substance Users," a
Mental Health thesis defense seminar with Stevan
Severtson. 391 Hampton House. EB
Tues., June 2, noon. "Sensory Transduction in C.
elegans: What Can't a Worm Sense?" a Biological
Chemistry seminar with Shawn Xu, University of Michigan.
612 Physiology. EB
Tues., June 2, 1 p.m. "Regulation of Nf-Kappa-B
Dependent Gene Expression by the Thioredoxin
System," an Environmental Health Sciences thesis defense
seminar with Jacqueline Heilman. W7023
Thurs., June 4, 1 p.m. "Disruption of Developing
Synapses by Pb2+ Is Mediated by Inhibition of
MNDAR and Downstream Signaling," an Environmental Health
Sciences thesis defense seminar with
April Neal. W7023 SPH. EB
Thurs., June 4, 4 p.m. "Tales From the End of the
Chromosome," a Biology seminar with Peter Baumann,
Stowers Institute. 100 Mudd. HW
Special Events
Sat., May 30, 6 p.m. "Believe in Baltimore's Youth,"
an Incentive Mentoring Program benefit gala,
featuring dinner, drinks and music and promoting campuswide
charity. Formal dress required. Cost is
$75. Turner Concourse, BRB. EB
Fri., June 5, 6 to 8 p.m. Homewood Museum presents
"Evening of Traditional Beverages," with spirits
specialist Craig Howard. This year features Scottish single
malts. (See story, "Homewood Museum
toasts Scotland's single malts," in this issue.) $20
for Homewood members, $25 for non-members.
Reservations are required; call 410-516-5589. Homewood
Museum. HW

Thurs., May 28, and Fri., May 29. "Understanding
Health Benefits and Risks," an international
symposium aimed at helping health professionals, medical
journalists and the general public gain better
understanding of health benefits and risks, with various
speakers, including health care/medical
journalist Shannon Brownlee and physician Avrum Bluming,
USC. For more information, go to:
Charles Commons Conference Center. HW