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Wired for Science
By Kathryn Hansen, A&S '05 (MA)
Did we hear someone say that women aren't as good at science as men? It didn't take us long to find six female researchers at Hopkins whose work suggests otherwise.

Crazy Success
By Jim Duffy
Johns Hopkins psychiatrist John Gartner went searching for what makes Americans unique — and found his own manic tendencies at the center of the national character.

Locally Grown
By Maria Blackburn
Baltimore City's Ryan Harrison has already won national acclaim for his scientific acumen. This fall, he'll be part of the university's first crop of Baltimore Scholars.

The Ultimate Summer Reading List
Compiled by Catherine Pierre
We surveyed Homewood faculty and staff to hear what they'd be reading this summer. Their recommendations range from meaty must-reads to pulpy pleasures.

The Long, Strange Trip of David Hoffman
By Dale Keiger
He's been a Hopkins lacrosse player, a "proto Marxist" agitator, and a hippie recluse. Now the director of Internews is fostering independent news media worldwide.

  Wholly Hopkins

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns Hopkins

Public Health: Michael Klag named dean

Sports: Undefeated Jays head to NCAA

Students: Making Homewood safer

Public Health: Now virtually everywhere

Science: A precision attack on cancer

Research: Rethinking technology transfer

Astronomy: Surprising violence around black holes

Technology: Classroom clickers and other innovations

Research: Spring brings a bevy of Guggenheims

Humanities: Lucky break leads to fake

Medicine: $2 million for Clancy professorship

International: Bologna Center turns 50

Students: Making wildest dreams come true

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs


Contributors to the June Issue
Ruminations: The Love Offer
The Big Question
Editor's Note
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life

Johns Hopkins
Magazine, June 2005

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
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