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In tune with his subjects
Now in his 13th year with Johns Hopkins Magazine, senior writer Dale Keiger hit the road this issue — to chronicle the Peabody Symphony Orchestra's "run-out" to Lincoln Center. "For a lot of the musicians this is the first time playing in New York; it's the big time," Keiger says. He loved seeing how the concert came together — from the many rehearsals to the missing bag lunches that almost derailed the bus's departure to the triumphant vodka toasts made backstage by the crew during the last movement of the final piece. "It was fascinating to observe the extraordinary attention to detail," he says. "Plus, I like hanging around musicians."

A multi-taskin marvel
Virginia Hughes, A&S '06 (MA), was transfixed the first time she heard fellow graduate student Frank Gallimore read from his poetry. When she learned he was the only hearing child of deaf parents, she knew she was on to a great story. "I could have written seven articles about him," Hughes says. It's that kind of infectious energy that infused Hughes' work during her semester as the magazine's Corbin Gwaltney Fellow. A veritable Energizer bunny, she balanced her fellowship here with finishing up her thesis on the hunt for life on Mars and an internship on NPR's science desk. By the time you read this, she will have moved on to a summer internship at Discover Magazine. We'll miss you, Ginny! —MB

Photographer Mike Ciesielski (Cover and "Preservation's Crumbling Future") is based in Baltimore. Call him at 410-253-8274.
Illustrator Stephanie Dalton ("Ruminations") works out of Marietta, Georgia. Email her at [email protected] or visit her Web site:
Photographer John Davis ("The Big Question") is based in Baltimore. Contact him by calling 410-241-2767.
Medical and technical illustrator Janet Dryer (Wholly Hopkins: "Why the Xs Have It") lives in Pasadena, California. See her work at or email her at [email protected].
Freelance writer Jim Duffy ("In Darwin's Footsteps") lives in Cambridge, Maryland. He can be reached at 443-799-8627.
Illustrator Gilbert Ford ("'Run-Out' New York") is a New-York based illustrator. He can be reached at 347-452- 4098 or through his Web site,
Will Kirk '99 (Wholly Hopkins: "Of Global Proportions"; "The Jason's Secret Science"; "Another Step Toward Understanding Alzheimer's"; "Sheridan Libraries competition encourages young collectors") is a photographer for Homewood Photographic Services. E-mail him at [email protected].
Photographer Sam Kittner (Your Other Life: "Go Fly a Kite!") is based in Takoma Park, Maryland. Visit his Web site,
Writer Reeva Hunter Mandelbaum, SPSBE '85 (MS) (Ruminations: "My Mother's Mostly Beautiful Heart"), vice president of story research at John Wells Productions, resides in Pacific Palisades, California. She can be reach at [email protected].
Illustrator Michael Morgenstern (Essay: "The Jury Is Out") is based in New Jersey. His Web site is Call him at 609-823-2420 or e- mail him at [email protected].
Photographer Stephen Spartana ("An Ear for Poetry") is based in Sparks, Maryland. E-mail him at [email protected].

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