The Maestra Tunes
By Dale Keiger
Marin Alsop, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra music director
and a Peabody distinguished visiting artist, is determined
to make classical music hip.
After the Fire
By Maria Blackburn
When Bryan Fultz set himself on fire in an office accident,
it was up to the Johns Hopkins Burn Center staff not just
to save his life, but to give it back to him.
More Than a Mere
By W. Barksdale Maynard
Woodrow Wilson found Johns Hopkins' "specializing mania"
intolerable. His time here wasn't pleasant, but it may have
inspired some of his most important ideas.
Cutting the
By Cassandra Willyard, A&S '07 (MA)
A new study by Bloomberg School of Public Health
researchers suggests that circumcision is a surprisingly
effective way to prevent HIV transmission.

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns
University: Hopkins names new provost
Policy: Knowledge for a greener world
Books: Your brain on evolution
Medicine: A different moral view
Computers: Speaking our language
Science: And the winners are...
Humanities: Hopkins Review redux
Graduate Studies: In response to great
Students: CTY helps map research plans
Education: Lessons from the Holocaust
Medicine: I'll take Docs for $500,
Wholly Hopkins:
Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered |
Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer |
Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs

Contributors to the September
The Big Question:
Is It Sweeter the Second Time?
Editor's Note: Summer Fun
Letters: Credit Where It's
Essay: Call of the Wild
Golomb's Gambits™
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life: Bon Voyage!