N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 I S S U E Contributors A poignant day at Arlington "It was very sad," says photographer Sam Kittner of his cover shoot at Arlington National Cemetery on September 29. APL's Ron Vauk, killed at the Pentagon on September 11, left behind a wife, Jennifer, due in November, and a 3-year-old son. In the midst of all the pain, says Kittner, Jennifer Vauk "held herself with a sense of pride and resolve that was just inspiring." Kittner, whose work has appeared in Forbes, Newsweek, Time, and National Geographic, made a surprising discovery when his film returned from the lab: In several frames the burned-out portion of the Pentagon can be seen in the background.
Anne Garside, author of Camelot at Dawn, says she's been enthralled by Orlando Suero's photographs of young Jack and Jacqueline Kennedy for more than a decade, since the Peabody Institute acquired the collection from Max Lowenherz. "They've been in my consciousness for so many years, I have developed a real empathy for [the couple] that no doubt seeps into my text," says Garside, longtime public information director at Peabody. Suero's photographs, in an exhibition underwritten by Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Company, will be on display at Hopkins's Evergreen House April 7 to June 30. The exhibition is a project of The Friends of Peabody. --SD
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