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Sweet Persistence
By Dale Keiger
Inventor Gil Levin has patented a natural sugar that doesn't add calories or decay teeth -- an innovation that grew out of his earlier experiments on Mars and promises to be huge. So when will tagatose hit grocery stores near you?

Language by the Numbers
By Joanne Cavanaugh Simpson
Urdu, Azeri, Icelandic, Punjab: By tapping the increasingly sophisticated "intelligence" of computers, Hopkins researchers aim to make possible the translation of nearly every written language in the world, no matter how obscure.

Take This Job and ...
By Tom Nugent
American workers are more stressed out today than ever before, a situation that U.S. businesses can't afford to ignore, says Hopkins' top "occupational doc" Edward Bernacki. For proof, he says, just look to the bottom line.

Bright Lights in the City
By Tom Waldron
Amid the poverty and despair of tough urban neighborhoods are super-bright teens who have beaten the odds. Hopkins' Center for Talented Youth is working hard to find them and bring them into the fold.

  Wholly Hopkins

University: A Wealth of Fading Images

Science: Giacconi Earns Nobel Prize for Physics

Medicine: Feds Endorse Reforms

Medicine: "Maryland Gentleman" Turner Dies at 100

University: Homewood House Marks 200 Years

University: Saarnio to Head Historic Homes

Students: A Philosophical Approach to a New Journal

Books: His, Hers, and I

Ethics: McHugh's Balancing Act

Mathematics: Conjecturing About Big Questions

Nursing: A Nurse's Intersection with War

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Datebook | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs | Backlist


Contributors to the November Issue
The Big Question
Editor's Note
Alumni Notes
Alumni News
Your Other Life

Johns Hopkins
Magazine, November 2002

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | The Johns Hopkins University | 3003 North Charles Street | Suite 100 | Baltimore, Maryland 21218 | Phone 410.516.7645 | Fax 410.516.5251