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Passport to Emotion

Our cover story, "Delayed and Denied," presented a unique challenge to illustrator Bill Cigliano, who is especially good at figurative work: There were no people. "My challenge was to paint a landscape that tastefully depicted the Johns Hopkins campus while creating passports that brought an emotional quality to the image like my people do," he explains. "The defeated personality of the passports in contrast to the beauty of the landscape and campus is meant to visually bring across the issues described in the article." The illustrations of Cigliano, who lives and works in Chicago, have appeared in the New York Times Book Review, Boy's Life, and The Wall Street Journal.

About Face

It just so happened that when we called Jim Duffy about profiling Absolutely American author David Lipsky, the book was already at the top of his reading list. "After reading and watching so much about the military in the wake of September 11," says Duffy, "let's just say that much of what I saw sort of clashed with the kneejerk anti-militarism of my own youthful days. I found, and still find, myself very curious about America's military people and their values." Duffy —a full-time freelance writer and a regular contributor to Baltimore magazine, Chesapeake Life, and Chesapeake Bay Magazine —lives in Baltimore with wife Jill Jasuta and their three cats, Dood, Smudge, and Charcoal. —CP

Photographer Mike Ciesielski ("Delayed and Denied") is based in Baltimore. Call him at 410-253-8274.
Illustrator William Cigliano (cover and "Delayed and Denied") lives and works in Chicago, Illinois. More of his work appears on He can be reached by calling 773-973-0062.
Freelance writer Jim Duffy ("Absolutely Unexpected") lives in Northeast Baltimore. He can be reached at 410-488-4726.
Elizabeth Evitts ( Wholly Hopkins: "Datebook") is a Baltimore-based freelance writer. She can be reached at 410-659-8100, ext. 1187, or [email protected].
Chris Hartlove ( Wholly Hopkins: "Facing the Music of Antiquity") is a Baltimore- based photographer. To view his work and for contact information, visit
Baltimore-based freelancer Melissa Hendricks ( Wholly Hopkins: "Internal Medicine Readjusts Residents' Hours") was formerly Johns Hopkins Magazine's senior science writer. She can be reached at [email protected].
Tamara Hoffer ( Wholly Hopkins: "Proposed Changes Could Alter Athletics") is a Baltimore- based freelance photographer specializing in corporate and editorial portraiture. She can be reached at 410-383-2826, or by e-mail at [email protected].
Photographer Will Kirk ( Wholly Hopkins: "Hopkins Scientist Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry") is a photographer for Homewood Photographic Services. He received his bachelor's degree in English from Johns Hopkins University in 1999. E-mail him at [email protected].
Freelancer Kate Ledger ( Wholly Hopkins: "Vignette" and "Small Change Means Major Results") lives in Baltimore. She can be reached at [email protected].
Photographer David Lubarsky ("Absolutely Unexpected") lives and works in New York. He can be reached at 212-505-1720 or via email at [email protected]. To view more of his work, visit
Illustrator Michael Morgenstern ( Essay: "The Whole World is Yawning") is based in New Jersey. His Web site is Call him at 609-823-2420 or e-mail him at [email protected].
Photographer Peter Owen ("The Big Question") lives and works in Baltimore. You can reach him at 410-292-3142 or [email protected].
Michael Purdy ( Wholly Hopkins: "Findings") is a frequent contributor to Johns Hopkins Magazine. Contact him via e-mail at [email protected].
Illustrator Naomi Shea ("Anatomy of an Art Form") is based in Boston. Contact her via her Web site at
Photographer Jefferson Jackson Steele lives and works in Baltimore. Contact him by calling 410-664-8137.
Photographer Keith Weller ("Anatomy of an Art Form" and Wholly Hopkins: "Small Change Means Major Results") is based in Columbia, Maryland. He can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].

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