The Johns Hopkins Gazette: October 18, 1999

October 18, 1999
VOL. 29, NO. 8

Three generations of artistic vision
Judy Reitz appointed executive vp, COO of hospital
Hopkins drive puts your unwanted clothes to work
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
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Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition

New director named at APL
It's no easy thing to decide to leave an organization where you've worked since you graduated from college more than 30 years ago. But Rich Roca has been getting a lot of feedback that the decision was the right one.
   "When I tell people that I'm going to be director of the Applied Physics Laboratory, standard reaction has been, "'Wow!'" Roca said. "APL's reputation is very widely held."
   Roca, a vice president of AT&T Labs, the company's research and development arm, will join Johns Hopkins as the seventh director of APL on Jan. 1. He was appointed by the university's board of trustees last week on the recommendation of President William R. Brody. Full story...

'HARP MRI' takes faster look at heart
Johns Hopkins engineers have developed a system that can give doctors--almost immediately--detailed images showing where heart damage has occurred. In the very near future, the inventors say, cardiologists routinely will be able to see clearly the condition of heart muscles while a patient is still inside a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.
    Currently, it is too costly and impractical for physicians to use an MRI scanner to examine the heart during a typical cardiac stress test. Even though an MRI, coupled with cutting-edge "tagging" technology, can provide highly detailed heart data, it is rarely used because the pictures take several hours to process and interpret. To eliminate this delay, Jerry Jerry L. Prince and Nael Osman of the Whiting School of Engineering have developed HARP MRI, a system that allows doctors to see the condition of the heart muscles in minutes, not hours. Full story...

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