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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University May 15, 2006 | Vol. 35 No. 34

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Opening the book on Hopkins Nursing
'Our Shared Legacy' chronicles the path from hospital to JHU division

In this ca. 1923 photo from the book, nursing students take care of pediatric outpatients in the Harriet Lane Homes.

For a period in the 1970s, it might have seemed to those involved with Johns Hopkins nursing that things couldn't get any worse — so they'd have to get better. And they did.
   For nearly all concerned, "better" meant for nursing, which had begun as a hospital diploma program, to become a fully autonomous, degree-granting division of the university, a stature for which many had already fought for decades.
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A Center for Global Health Is Announced
The Johns Hopkins University is launching a Center for Global Health to coordinate and focus its efforts against HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, flu and other worldwide health threats, especially in developing countries, President William R. Brody has announced.
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Pediatricians fail to screen for autism, study finds
Few Maryland and Delaware primary care pediatricians screen patients regularly for autism and autism-spectrum disorders as part of their overall look at possible developmental delays, according to results of a joint study from Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
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Significant changes set for access to Homewood campus

SPSBE to offer nontraditional MBA Fellows program in fall

Undergrads design custom computer desks for disabled woman

BME Design Day

Hopkins Grads to Study Abroad As Fulbright, DAAD Scholars

ISIS self-service site for student accounts ready to go live

Sludge recycling sends antiseptic soap ingredient to agriculture


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