Journal Articles

Book Chapters

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Grayson Lab Journal Articles By Year


103. Zhao J, Sarkar N, Ren Y, Pathak AP, Grayson WL. Engineering next-generation oxygen-generating scaffolds to enhance bone regeneration. Trends in Biotechnology, 2024.

102. Sarkar N, Zhao J, Zhang NY, Horenberg AL, Grayson WL. 3D printed O2-generating scaffolds enhance osteoprogenitor- and type H vessel recruitment during bone healing. Acta Biomaterialia, 2024, 185:126-143.

101. Salehi S, Lippert Lozano E, Zhang Y, Guo Y, Liu R, Tran K, Messner F, Brandacher G, Grayson WL. Design of a Multiparametric Perfusion Bioreactor System for Evaluating Sub-Normothermic Preservation of Rat Abdominal Wall Vascularized Composite Allografts. Bioengineering, 2024, 11(4):307.

100. Gradl K, Hernández ASS, Grayson WL, Finnigan TJA, Theobald HE, Kashi B, Somoza B. What Technological and Economic Elements Must be Addressed to Support the Affordability, Accessibility, and Desirability of Alternative Proteins in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? Current Developments in Nutrition, 2024, 8(Suppl 1):102027.

99. Ren Y, Chu X, Senarathra A, Bhargava A, Grayson WL, Pathak AP. Multimodality imaging reveals angiogenic evolution in vivo during calvarial bone defect healing. Angiogenesis, 2024, 27:105-119.


98. Ton C, Salehi S, Abasi S, Aggas JR, Liu R, Brandacher G, Guiseppi-Elie A, Grayson WL. Methods of ex vivo analysis of tissue status in vascularized composite allografts. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2023;21(1).

97. Hassan MG, Horenberg AL, Coler-Reilly A, Grayson WL, Scheller EL. Role of the Peripheral Nervous System in Skeletal Development and Regeneration: Controversies and Clinical Implications. Current Osteoporosis Reports. 2023.

96. Singh S, Zhou Y, Farris AL, Whitehead EC, Nyberg EL, O'Sullivan AN, Zhang NY, Rindone AN, Achebe CC, Zbijewski W, Grundy W,..., Grant MP, Grayson WL. Geometric Mismatch Promotes Anatomic Repair in Periorbital Bony Defects in Skeletally Mature Yucatan Minipigs. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2023.

95. Ren Y, Senarathna J, Chu X, Grayson WL, Pathak AP. Vascular-centric mapping of in vivo blood oxygen saturation in preclinical models. Microvascular Research. 2023;148.

94. Sarkar N, Bhumiratana S, Geris L, Papantoniou I, Grayson WL. Bioreactors for engineering patient-specific tissue grafts. Nature Reviews Bioengineering. 2023; 1(5).

93. Yang H, Ulge UY, Quijano-Rubio A, Bernstein ZJ, Maestas DR, Chun JH, Wang W, Lin JX, Jude KM,Singh S, Orcutt-Jahns BT,... Grayson WL,... Baker D,Spangler JB. Design of cell-type-specific hyperstable IL-4 mimetics via modular de novo scaffolds. Nature chemical biology. 2023:1-1.

92. Aggas JR, Abasi S, Ton C, Salehi S, Liu R, Brandacher G, Grayson WL, Guiseppi-Elie A. Real- Time Monitoring Using Multiplexed Multi-Electrode Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy for the Stratification of Vascularized Composite Allografts: A Perspective on Predictive Analytics. Bioengineering. 2023;10(4).


91. Somers SM, Gilbert-Honick J, Choi IY, KW Lo E, Lim H, Dias S, Wagner KR, Mao HQ, Cahan P, Lee G, Grayson WL. Engineering Skeletal Muscle Grafts with PAX7:: GFP-Sorted Human Pluripotent Stem Cell- Derived Myogenic Progenitors on Fibrin Microfiber Bundles for Tissue Regeneration. Bioengineering. 2022;9(11).

90. Ren Y, Senarathna J, Grayson WL, Pathak AP. State-of-the-art techniques for imaging the vascular microenvironment in craniofacial bone tissue engineering applications. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2022; 323(5).

89. Xue J, Singh S, Zhou Y, Perdomo-Pantoja A, Tian Y, Gupta N, Witham TF, Grayson WL, Weihs TP. A biodegradable 3D woven magnesium-based scaffold for orthopedic implants. Biofabrication. 2022; 14

88. Ren Y, Bhargava A, Senarathna J, Chu X, Grayson WL, Pathak A. Characterizing the correlation between angiogenesis and osteogenesis in vivo using multicontrast functional imaging in a calvarial defect model. The FASEB Journal. 2022; 36.

87. Singh S, Nyberg EL, O'Sullivan A, Farris AL, Rindone AN, Zhang N, Whitehead EC, Zhou Y, Mihaly E, Achebe CC, Zbijewski W, Grundy W, Garlick D ,Jackson ND, Taguchi T, Takawira C, Lopz J, Lopez ML, Grant MP, Grayson WL, Point-of-care Treatment of Geometrically Complex Midfacial Critical-Sized Bone Defects with 3D-Printed Scaffolds and Autologous Stromal Vascular Fraction, Biomaterials, 2022, 282, 121392

86. Rindone AN, Grayson WL, Illuminating the Regenerative Microenvironment: Emerging Quantitative Imaging Technologies for Craniofacial Bone Tissue Engineering, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2022.

85. Zhang N, Singh S, Liu S, Zbijewski W, Grayson WL, A Robust, Autonomous, Volumetric Quality Assurance Method for 3D-Printed Porous Scaffolds, 3D Printing in Medicine, 2022, 8 (1): 1-9

84. Zhou Y, Grayson WL, Three-dimensional printing of scaffolds for facial reconstruction, MRS Bulletin, 2022,

83. Farris AL, Lambrechts D, Zhou Y, Zhang NY, Sarkar N, Moorer MC, Rindone AN, Nyberg EL, Perdomo-Pantoja A, Burris SJ, Free K, Witham TF, Riddle RC, Grayson WL, 3D-printed Oxygen-Releasing Scaffolds Improve Bone regeneration in Mice, Biomaterials, 2022,


82. Perdomo-Pantoja A, Holmes C, Lina IA, Liauw JA, Puvanesarajah V, Goh BC, Achebe CC, Cottrill E, Elder BD, Grayson WL, Redmond K, Hur SC, Witham TF, Effects of Single-Dose versus Hypofractionated Focused Radiation on Vertebral Body Structure and Biomechanical Integrity: Development of a Rabbit Radiation-Induced Vertebral Compression Fracture Model, International Journal of Radiation, 2021, 111(2): 528-538.

81. Horenberg A, Rindone AN, Grayson WL, Engineering Bone from Fat: A review of mechanisms of adipose-derived stem cell-mediated bone regeneration, Progress in Biomedical Engineering, 2021.

80. Rindone AN, Liu X, Farhat S, Perdomo-Pantaja A, Witham TF, Coutu D, Wan M, Grayson WL, Quantitative 3D Imaging of the Cranial Microvascular Environment at Single-Cell Resolution, Nature Communication, 2021, 12(1): 1-13.

79. Mihaly E, Altamirano D, Tuffaha S, Grayson WL, Engineering Skeletal Muscle: Building Complexity to Achieve Functionality, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 2021, 119:61-69.

78. Yerrabelli RS, Somers SM, Grayson WL, Spector AA, Modeling the Mechanics of Fibrous/Porous Scaffolds for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration, Medical, Biological Engineering & Computing, 2021, 1-12

77. Perdomo-Pantoja A, Holmes C, Cottrill E, Rindone AN, Ishida W, Taylor M, Tomberlin C, Sheng-fu LL, Grayson WL, Witham TF, Comparison of Freshly Isolated Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction and Bone Marrow Cells in a Posterolateral Lumbar Spinal Fusion Model, Spine, 2021, 46(10: 631-637)


76. Est-Witte SE, Farris AL, Tzeng SY, Hutton DL, Gong DH, Calabresi KG, Grayson WL, Green JJ, Non-viral gene delivery of HIF-1alpha promotes angiogenesis in human adipose-derived stem cells, Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 113:279-288

75. Xue J, Farris AL, Wang Y, Yeh W, Romany C, Guest JK, Grayson WL, Hall AS, Weihs TP, Electrodeposition of Hydroxyapatite on 3D Woven Bioscaffold, Coatings, 2020, 10(8):715

74. Altamirano D, Noller K, Mihaly E, Grayson WL, Recent Advances toward Understanding the Role of Transplanted Stem Cells in Tissue Engineered Regeneration of Musculoskeletal Tissues, 2020, F1000, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.21333.1

73. Gilbert-Honick J and Grayson WL, Vascularized and Innervated Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering, Advanced Healthcare Materials 2020, 9(1):e1900626. doi: 10.1002/adhm.201900626

72. Gilbert-Honick J, Iyer SR, Somers SM, Takasuka H, Lovering RM, Wagner K, Mao HQ, Grayson WL, Engineering 3D skeletal muscle primed for neuromuscular regeneration following volumetric muscle loss, Biomaterials, 2020,


71. Morrissette-McAlmon J, Ginn B, Somers S, Fukunishi T, Thanitcul C, Rindone A, Hibino N, Tung L, Mao HQ, Grayson WL, Biomimetic Model of Contractile Cardiac Tissue with Endothelial Networks Stabilized by Adipose-derived Stromal/Stem Cells, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1): 1 – 12.

70. Nyberg E, O’ Sullivan A, Grayson WL, scafSLICR: a MATLAB-based Slicing Algorithm to Enable 3D-Printing of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds with Heterogenous Porous Microarchitecture, PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(11):e0225007

69. Freeman FE, Browe DC, Diaz-Payno P, Nulty J, Von Euw S, Grayson WL, Kelly DJ, Biofabrication of Multiscale Bone Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering, e Cells and Materials, 2019, 38:168-187.

68. Somers S, Zhang N, Morrissette-McAlmon J, Tran K, Mao H, Grayson WL, Myoblast maturity on aligned microfiber bundles at the onset of strain application impacts myogenic outcomes, Acta biomaterialia, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2019.06.024

67. Guo Y, Gilbert-Honick J, Somers SM, Mao H, Grayson WL, Modified cell-electrospinning for 3D myogenesis of C2C12s in aligned fibrin microfiber bundles, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.06.082

66. Li X, Cho B, Martin M, Seu M, Zhang C, Zhou Z, Choi JS, Jiang X, Chen L, Walia G, Yan J, Callanan M, Liu H, Colbert K, Morrissette-McAlmon J, Grayson W, Reddy S, Sacks JM, Mao H. Nanofiber-hydrogel composite-mediated angiogenesis for soft tissue reconstruction, Science Translational Medicine, 2019, doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aau6210

65. Rindone AN, Kachniarz B, Achebe CC, Riddle RC, O'Sullivan AN, Dorafshar AH, Grayson WL, Heparin-Conjugated Decellularized Bone Particles Promote Enhanced Osteogenic Signaling of PDGF-BB to Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Tissue Engineered Bone Grafts, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, doi:10.1002/adhm.201801565 * Featured on the Cover *

64. Nyberg E, Farris A, O'Sullivan A, Rodriguez R, Grayson WL, Comparison of SVF and Passaged ASCs as Point-of-Care Agents for Bone Regeneration, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2019, doi:10.1089/ten.TEA.2018.0341


63. Adamo JE, Grayson WL, Hatcher H, Swanton Brown J, Thomas A, Hollister S, Steele SJ, Regulator interfaces surrounding the growing field of additive manufacturing of medical devices and biologic products, J. Clinical Translation Science, 2018, doi:10.1017/cts.2018.331

62. Farris AL, Cook CA, Grayson WL, Mathematical Modeling of Oxygen Release From Hyperbarically-Loaded Polymers, Biotechnology Progress, doi: 10.1002/btpr.2751

61. Salehi S, Tran K, Grayson WL, Advances in Perfusion Systems for Solid Organ Preservation, Yale Medical Journal, 2018, 91(3), 301.

60. Gilbert-Honick J, Ginn B, Zhang Y, Salehi S, Wagner KR, Mao HQ, Grayson WL, Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cells on Electrospun Fibrin Microfiber Bundles Enable Moderate Muscle Reconstruction in a Volumetric Muscle Loss Model. Cell Transplantation. 2018;27(11):1644–1656.

59. Xie E, Cook CA, Grayson WL, Benkoski J, Novel Surfactant Self-Assembly Process Generates Multi-Scale Surface Topographies for Stem Cell Growth and Differentiation, Hemijska Industrije, 2018 72(2): 69 - 80.

58. Gilbert-Honick J, Iyer SR, Somers SM, Lovering RM, Wagner K, Mao HQ, Grayson WL, Engineering functional and histological regeneration of vascularized skeletal muscle, Biomaterials, 2018, 164:70-79

57. Yuan D, Somers SM, Grayson WL, Spector AA, A Poroelastic model of a fibrous-porous tissue engineering scaffold, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 5043

56. Mendez A, Rindone AN, Batra N, Abbasnia P, Senerathna J, Gil S, Hadjiabadi D, Grayson WL, Pathak A, Phenotyping the microvasculature in critical-sized calvarial defects via multimodal optical imaging, Tissue Engineering Part C, 2018, 24(7): 430 – 440

55. Nyberg EL, Grayson WL, Assessing the minimum time period of normoxic pre-incubation for stable adipose stromal cell-derived vascular networks, Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering, 2018, 1-11

54. Stephenson M, Grayson WL, Recent advances in bioreactors for cell-based therapies, F1000Res, 2018, F1000 Faculty Rev-517. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.12533


53. Stephenson MK, Farris AL, Grayson WL, Recent Advances in Tissue Engineering Strategies for the Treatment of Joint Damage, Current Rheumatology Reports, (2017), doi:10.1007/s11926-017-0671-7

52. Somers S, Spector A, DiGirolamo D, Grayson WL, Biophysical Stimulation for Engineering Functional Skeletal Muscle, Tissue Engineering Part B, (2017), doi:10.1089/ten.TEB.2016.0444

51. Spector AA and Grayson WL, Stem Cell Fate Decision Making: Modeling Approaches, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, (2017), doi: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00606

50. Morrissette-McAlmon J, Blazeski A, Somers S, Kostecki G, Tung L, Grayson WL, Adipose-derived perivascular mesenchymal stromal/stem cells promote functional vascular tissue engineering for cardiac regenerative purposes, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, (2017), doi: 10.1002/term.2418

49. Nyberg E, Rindone A, Dorafshar A, Grayson WL, Comparison of 3D-Printed Poly-e-caprolactone Scaffolds Functionalized with Tricalcium Phosphate, Hydroxyapatite, Bio-Oss, or Decellularized Bone Matrix, Tissue Engineering Part A, (2017), doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2016.0418


48. Nyberg EL, Farris AL, Hung BP, Dias M, Garcia JR, Dorafshar AH, Grayson WL, 3D-Printing Technologies for Craniofacial Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, and Regeneration, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, (2016), doi: 10.1007/s10439-016-1668-5

47. Farris AL*, Rindone AN*, Grayson WL, Oxygen delivering biomaterials for tissue engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, (2016), doi: 10.1039/C5TB02635K (*Authors contributed equally)

46. Cook CA, Huri PY, Ginn BP, Gilbert‐Honick J, Somers SM, Temple JP, Mao HQ, Grayson WL, Characterization of a novel bioreactor system for 3D cellular mechanobiology studies, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2016), doi: 10.1002/bit.25946

45. Hung BP, Naved BA, Nyberg EL, Dias M, Holmes CA, Elisseeff JH, Dorafshar AH, Grayson WL, Three-dimensional printing of bone extracellular matrix for craniofacial regeneration, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, (2016), doi: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00101


44. Hutton DH, Grayson WL, Hypoxia Inhibits De Novo Vascular Assembly of Adipose-Derived Stromal/Stem Cell Populations, but Promotes Growth of Preformed Vessels, Tissue Engineering Part A (2015), doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2015.0421

43. Nyberg E, Holmes C, Witham T, Grayson WL, Growth factor-eluting technologies for bone tissue engineering, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, (2015), PMID: 25967594

42. Hung BP, Hutton DL, Kozielski KL, Bishop CJ, Naved B, Green JJ, Caplan AI, Gimble JM, Dorafshar AH, Grayson WL, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor BB Enhances Osteogenesis of Adipose-Derived But Not Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells, Stem Cells (2015), * Featured on the Cover *

41. Deshpande RS, Grayson WL, Spector AA. A Modeling Insight into Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Myogenesis, PLoS One (2015), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137918

40. Cook CA, Hahn KC, Morrissette-McAlmon JBF, Grayson WL, Oxygen delivery from hyperbarically loaded microtanks extends cell viability in anoxic environments, Biomaterials (2015), doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.02.036

39. Grayson WL, Bunnell BA, Martin E, Frazier T, Hung BP, Gimble JM, Stromal cells and stem cells in clinical bone regeneration, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, (2015), doi:10.1038/nrendo.2014.234


38. Huri PY, Wang A, Spector A, Grayson WL, Multistage Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Myogenesis: An Experimental and Modeling Study, (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s12195-014-0362-7

37. Hutton DL, Kondragunta R, Moore EM, Hung BP, Jia XF, Grayson WL, Tumor Necrosis Factor Improves Vascularization in Osteogenic Grafts Engineered with Human Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cells, PloS One, (2014), 9(9):e107199 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107199 PMID: 25248109

36. Huri PY, Ozilgen BA, Hutton DL, Grayson WL. Scaffold Pore Size Modulates In Vitro Osteogenesis of Human Adipose-Derived Stem/Stromal Cells. Biomedical Materials. 2014 Aug;9(4):045003. PMID: 24945873

35. Temple JP* & Hutton DL*, Hung BP, Huri PY, Cook CA, Kondragunta R, Jia XF, Grayson WL. Engineering Anatomically Shaped Vascularized Bone Grafts with hASCs and 3D-printed Bone Scaffolds. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A. (2014) doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.35107. PMID: 24510413 (*Authors contributed equally)

34. Zhang S, Liu X, Barreto-Ortiz SF, Yu Y, Ginn B, DeSantis N, Hutton DL, Grayson WL, Cui F, Korgel BA, Gerecht S, Mao HQ. Creating Polymer Hydrogel Microfibres with Internal Alignment via Electrical and Mechanical Stretching. Biomaterials(2014) 35(10):3243-51. PMID: 24439410

33. Hutton DL and Grayson WL. Stem Cell-Based Regeneration of Vascularized Bone Grafts. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. Invited Review, (2014) 3:75-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.coche.2013.12.002


32. Hung BP, Salter EK, Temple JP, Mundinger GS, Brown EN, Brazio P, Rodriguez ED, Grayson WL. Engineering Bone Grafts with Enhanced Bone Marrow and Native Scaffolds. Cells Tissues Organs. 2013 Sep 6. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24021248

31. Yilgor Huri P, Cook CA, Hutton DL, Goh BC, Gimble JM, Digirolamo DJ, Grayson WL. Biophysical cues enhance myogenesis of human adipose derived stem/stromal cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 16;438(1):180-5. PMID: 23876311

30. Hutton DL, Moore EM, Gimble JM, Grayson WL. PDGF and Spatiotemporal Cues Induce Development of Vascularized Bone Tissue by Adipose-derived Stem Cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013 Sep;19(17-18):2076. PMID: 23582144. * Featured on the Cover *

29. Hung BP, Hutton DL, Grayson WL. Mechanical control of tissue-engineered bone. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2013 Jan 31;4(1):10. PMID: 23369796


28. Tzeng SY, Hung BP, Grayson WL, Green JJ. Cystamine-terminated poly(beta-amino ester)s for siRNA delivery to human mesenchymal stem cells and enhancement of osteogenic differentiation. Biomaterials. 2012 Nov;33(32):8142-51. PMID: 22871421

27. Correia C, Grayson W, Eton R, Gimble J, Sousa R, Reis R, and Vunjak-Novakovic G. 2012, Human adipose derived cells can serve as a single cell source for the in vitro cultivation of vascularized bone grafts. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 22903929

26. Marolt D, Marcos Campos I, Bhumiratana S, Koren A, Petridis P, Zhang G, Spitalnik PF, Grayson WL, and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Engineering bone tissue from human embryonic stem cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012, 109 (22) 8705-8709. PMID: 22586099

25. Hutton DL, Logsdon EA, Moore EM, Gabhann FM, Gimble JM, Grayson WL. Vascular Morphogenesis of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells is Mediated by Heterotypic Cell-Cell Interactions. Tissue Eng Part A. 2012 Aug;18(15-16):1729-40. PMID: 22462659. * Featured on the Cover *

24. Ghone N and Grayson WL, Recapitulating Mesenchymal Condensation Enhances Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, J Cell Physiol. 2012 Nov;227(11):3701-8. PMID: 22378248

23. Salter EK, Goh B, Hung B, Hutton DL, Ghone N, and Grayson WL. Bone Tissue Engineering Bioreactors: A Role in the Clinic?. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2012 Feb;18(1):62-75. PMID: 21902622


22. Correia C*, Grayson WL*, Park M, Hutton DL, Zhou B, Guo XE, Souza R, Reis R, and Vunjak-Novakovic G. In vitro Model of Vascularized Bone: Synergizing Vascular Development and Osteogenesis, PLoS One, 6(12):e28352 (2011) PMID:22164277

21. Tzeng S, Yang P, Grayson WL, and Green JJ. Synthetic poly(ester amine)- and poly(amido amine)-based nanoparticles for efficient siRNA delivery and DNA delivery to human endothelial cells, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 6:3309 – 3322 (2011) PMID: 22228998

20. Bhumiratana S, Grayson WL, Castaneda A, Rockwood D, Gil ES, Kaplan DL, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Nucleation and Growth of Mineralized Bone Matrix on Silk-Hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffolds. Biomaterials, 32:2812 – 2820 (2011) PMID: 21262535

19. Rockwood DN, Gil ES, Park SH, Kluge JA, Grayson W, Bhumiratana S, Rajkhowa R, Wang X, Kim SJ, Vunjak-Novakovic G, Kaplan DL. Ingrowth of human mesenchymal stem cells into porous silk particle reinforced silk composite scaffolds: An in vitro study. Acta Biomaterialia. 2011 Jan;7(1):144-51. PMID: 20656075

18. Gimble JM, Grayson WL, Guilak F, Lopez MJ and Vunjak-Novkovic G. Adipose tissue as a stem cell source for musculo-skeletal regeneration. Front Biosci (Schol Ed). 2011 Jan 1;3:69-81. PMID: 21196358

17. Grayson WL, Marolt D, Bhumiratana S, Fröhlich M, Guo XE, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Optimizing the medium perfusion rate in bone tissue engineering bioreactors. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 108:1159 – 1170 (2011) PMID: 21125596


16. Wan LQ, Kang SM, Eng G, Grayson WL, Lu XL, Huo B, Gimble J, Guo XE, Mow VC, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Geometric control of human stem cell morphology and differentiation. Integr Biol (Camb). 2010 Aug 10;2(7-8):346-53. Epub 2010 Jul 22. PMID: 20652175

15. Grayson WL, Bhumiratana S, Chao P-C, Hung C and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Spatial regulation of human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation in biphasic osteochondral constructs: effects of predifferentiation, soluble factors and medium perfusion. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 18 (2010),pp.714-723. PMID: 20175974

14. Grayson WL, Frohlich M, Yeager K, Bhumiratana S, Canizzarro C, Wan LQ, Chan E, Liu X, Guo XE, Vunjak-Novakovic G. 2010. Engineering Anatomically-Shaped Human Mandibular Bone Grafts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Special Issue in Regenerative Medicine,107(8): 3299-3304. PMID: 19820164

13. Frohlich M, Grayson WL, Marolt D, Gimble J, Velikonja NK, and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Bone Grafts Engineered from Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Perfusion Bioreactor Culture. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010 Jan:16(1):179-89. PMID: 19678762


12. Zhao F, Grayson WL, Ma T, Irsigler A. 2009. Perfusion Affects the Tissue Developmental Patterns of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3D Scaffolds. J. Cell. Phys. 219: 421 - 429. PMID: 19170078

11. Grayson WL, Martens TP, Eng GM, Radisic M and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Biomimetic approach to tissue engineering. Semin Cell Dev Biol, 20(6):665-73 (2009) PMID: 19146967

10. Ma T, Grayson WL, Frohlich M, Vunjak-Novakovic G. Hypoxia and stem cell-based engineering of mesenchymal tissues. Biotechnol Prog, 25(1):32-42 (2009) PMID: 19198002


9. Frohlich M, Grayson WL, Wan LQ, Marolt D, Drobnic M and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Tissue engineered bone grafts: biological requirements, tissue culture and clinical relevance. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther, 3(4):254-64 (2008) PMID: 19075755

8. Grayson WL, Bhumiratana S, Cannizzaro C, Chao PH, Lennon DP, Caplan AI and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Effects of initial seeding density and fluid perfusion rate on formation of tissue-engineered bone. Tissue Eng Part A, 14(11):1809-20 (2008) PMID: 18620487

7. Grayson WL, Chao PH, Marolt D, Kaplan DL and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Engineering custom- designed osteochondral tissue grafts. Trends Biotechnol. 26(4):181-9 (2008) PMID: 18299159

6. Chao PH, Grayson WL and Vunjak-Novakovic G. Engineering cartilage and bone using human mesenchymal stem cells. J Orthop Sci, 12(4):398-404 (2007) PMID: 17657563

5. Grayson WL, Zhao F, Bunnell B and Ma T. Hypoxia enhances proliferation and tissue formation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 358(3):948-53 (2007) PMID: 17521616

4. Zhao F, Grayson WL, Bunnell B, Lu WW and Ma T. Effects of Hydroxyapatite in 3-D chitosan-gelatin polymer network on human mesenchymal stem cell construct development. Biomaterials, 27:1859-67 (2006) PMID: 16225916

3. Grayson WL, Zhao F, Bunnell B and Ma T. Effects of Hypoxia on the Development of Tissue-Engineered Constructs from Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. J Cell Physiol, 207:331-9 (2006) PMID: 16331674

2. Zhao F, Pathi P, Grayson WL, Xing Q, Locke BR and Ma T. Effects of Oxygen Transport on 3-D Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Metabolic Activity in Perfusion and Static Cultures: Experiments and Mathematical Model. Biotechnol Prog, 21:1269-80 (2005) PMID: 16080711

1. Grayson WL, Ma T and Bunnell B. Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Tissue Development in 3D PET Matrices. Biotechnol Prog, 20:905-12 (2004) PMID: 15176898