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The Fortunate Mr. Kaufman
By Dale Keiger
At age 90, Millard Kaufman, A&S '39, wrote his first novel. He did it, he says, to stay out of trouble.

Terrible Journey, Beautiful Tale
By Catherine Pierre
A new novel by Lawrence Hill, A&S '92 (MA), challenges notions of Canada as the slaves' Promised Land.


Transport Phenomenon
By Tristan Davies, A&S '87 (MA)
Short fiction by a longtime faculty member of the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars.

Shockney Therapy
By Maria Blackburn
Nurse Lillie Shockney is the heart and soul of the Johns Hopkins Breast Center — a tough, funny woman who knows too well what her patients face.

A Nibble of Prevention
By Michael Anft
Johns Hopkins researcher Paul Talalay showed why broccoli is good for us. Now, a new center will search for more foods that could stave off cancer.

  Wholly Hopkins

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns Hopkins

University: An end to the Brody era

APL: Mercury gets its close-up

Bayview: Doctor, know thy patient

Peabody: Spirits in the wallpaper

Engineering: Robots hunt undersea vents

Public health: Helping city kids breathe

Books: The new way of warfare

Awards: McKusick wins Japan Prize

Education: Algebra? On Saturday?

Compendium: Quote, unquote

Band: The trumpet guy

Sports: Fishel caps great career

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs


Contributors: Capturing Time and Big Ears
The Big Question: Digital or Film?
The Big Picture: Art in the Everyday
Editor's Note: Good and Angry
Letters: Not Amused
Essay: Hard to Swallow
Golomb's Gambits™: How to Cut a Rug
Ruminations: Hold Your Banner High
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life: Speed Racer

Johns Hopkins
Magazine, April 2008

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
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