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Social Sciences

Jack Greene Honored by National Humanities Center 05/09
Extraordinary Perception Deficit Sheds Light on How We See 05/09
Parents: Slow Down and Get Off the Marriage-Go-Round 04/09
President, Three Faculty Members Named AAAS Fellows 04/09
Six Johns Hopkins Faculty Named Guggenheim Fellows 04/09
Nonprofit Leaders to President and Congress: 1 Million Charities Are Ready to Help 02/09
Billions in Nonprofit Projects Halted by Credit Crisis 02/09
Black History Month at Johns Hopkins University 02/09
Egypt Today Web Site Follows Archaeologists' Return to the Bottom of Mut Temple's Sacred Lake 01/09
Johns Hopkins Conference to Mark NAACP Centennial 01/09
Mapping Volunteer Work around the World 12/08
Johns Hopkins Sources for 2008 Presidential Election Stories 07/08
L.A. Police Chief to Discuss Urban Crime-Fighting Strategies 07/08
Even Toddlers Get It: Data "Chunks" Are Easier to Remember 07/08
Johns Hopkins Graduate Student Killed in Iraq 06/08
Hopkins in Egypt Today: Summer 2008 06/08
Wrestling with Rudeness: Advice for Addressing Incivility 06/08
Johns Hopkins Professor Wins Guggenheim Fellowship 05/08
Johns Hopkins Professors Elected to National Academy of Sciences 04/08
Student Seeks Links Between Libraries and Neighborhood Poverty 04/08
Study Suggests Parents Stricter with Older Kids 04/08
Election 2008: The Politics of Race, Gender and Culture 04/08
Stefanie DeLuca named William T. Grant Scholar 04/08
"Rebuilding America's Cities" Lecture at Johns Hopkins 04/08
Johns Hopkins' Evergreen Society Receives Grant, Changes Name 03/08
Medieval French Manuscripts to Go Digital in Virtual Collection 02/08
Archaeologists Bring Egyptian Excavation to the Web 02/08
Women for President: Media Bias in Eight Campaigns 01/08
Casting a Vote for Workplace Civility in 2008 01/08
Media Advisory: Mixed Income Neighborhoods: Theories Meet Realities in Baltimore 12/07
Immigration Policy, Economics to Be Discussed at Johns Hopkins 11/01
Workplace Misdeeds Top "Terrible Ten" Rude Behaviors List 10/07
Psychologist Paul Bloom to Give Lectures at Johns Hopkins 09/07
Grant Will Provide Access to Afro-American Archives 07/07
Grant Will Fund Interdisciplinary Study of Human Language 07/07
Archaeologists Bring Egyptian Excavation to the Web for a Second Time this Year 06/07
American Academy Elects Michael Williams 05/07
Putting Volunteer Work on the Economic Map of the World 04/07
Media Advisory: School Violence Expert from Johns Hopkins University 04/07
JHU Course Catalog: Museums and Controversy 04/07
Salmah Y. Rizvi Wins Truman Scholarship 03/07
Should Single Parents Stay That Way? 03/07
Book Release and Policy Discussion 03/07
Archaeologists Bring Egyptian Excavation to the Web 01/07
Early Bronze Age Mortuary Complex Discovered in Syria 10/06
Mid-Term Elections Sources from Johns Hopkins University 10/06
A Civil Guide to Navigating Pre-Election Discussions at Work 10/06
New Museums and Society Program at Johns Hopkins 09/06
New U.N. Guidelines Put Civil Society on the World's Economic Map 09/06
Black Women's Embrace of Oprah Symbolic of Sisterhood 08/06
Brooklyn Native Jake Lowinger Wins Fulbright 07/06
Huntsville Native Ted Blanton Wins Fulbright 07/06
Frederick Resident Wins Abell's $5,000 Urban Policy Prize 05/06
Two Johns Hopkins Faculty Elected to American Academy 04/06
JHU Course Catalog: Hot Topics in Education 04/06
Historian: Iraq, Afghan Wars Parallel Phillipine Invasion 04/06
NEH Grant to Enhance Library's Jewish Studies Collections 03/06
Hard Science/Soft Skills Is Topic of Lecture Series 02/06
Johns Hopkins Team Discovers Statue of Egyptian Queen 01/06
Archaeologists Bring Egyptian Excavation to the Web 01/06
JHU Course Catalog: The Body and Health Care in Japan 11/05
"Gap Year" Could Become Gulch for College-Delayers 11/05
JHU Course Catalog: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll in Ancient Egypt 10/05
JHU Course Catalog, Out of the Cave, Prehistory in Fact and Fiction 10/05
American Revolution Scholar to Discuss Patrick Henry 09/05
JHU Course Catalog: Becoming an Adult 04/05
Six Johns Hopkins Professors Receive Guggenheim Fellowships 04/05
JHU Course Catalog — The Uses of Evil: Historical Encounters with the Devil 04/05
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: Dallas Resident Studies Tribal Health Care in India 03/05
"Is Homicide an Epidemic in Baltimore?" Panel Discussion 02/05
Abused Women Less Likely to Be in Stable Relationships 01/05
Egyptian Excavation Returns to the Web 01/05
Just in Time for New Year's: A Proposal for a Better Calendar 12/04
Media Advisory: Foul Behavior of Professional Athletes and Fans 11/04
JHU Course Catalog: The Natural and the Artificial 11/04
Media Advisory: Johns Hopkins Sociologist Discusses the Future of Marriage in America 10/04
Professor Paul Smolensky Wins International Prize for Work on Human Cognition 08/04
Know Thy Baltimore Neighborhood: Project Puts Census Demographic Profiles at Your Fingertips 07/04
Boston Resident Matthew Erlich Named Gilder Lehrman Scholar 06/04
Johns Hopkins Grads to Study Abroad as Fulbright, DAAD Scholars 05/04
Media Advisory: "Food, Love and the Human Animal" Lecture by Sidney Mintz 04/04
An Exploration of the Passion Story: Panel of Scholars to Explore Representations of Christ's Death in Art and Film 04/04
Johns Hopkins Public Policy Student Wins Urban Policy Prize 03/04
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: History and French Major Storms French Archives 03/04
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: Public Health Major Lifts a Historical Shadow 03/04
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: History Major Uncovers a Sunken Past 03/04
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: Fairfax Resident Contributes to Egyptian Excavation 03/04
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: International Relations Major Witnesses Hague Tribunal 03/04
Media Advisory: Johns Hopkins Sociologist Available for Comment on Gay Marriage 02/04
State of Africana Studies Symposium at Johns Hopkins 02/04
JHU Course Catalog: Do You Want Fries with That? 02/04
Toni Morrison to Speak at Johns Hopkins March 10 02/04
Media Advisory: Sociologist Available to Comment on Proposed Marriage Promotion Legislation 01/04
The Great Baltimore Fire: 100 Years Later 01/04
Weblogs Redefining Presidential Campaigning 01/04
Teamwork Brings Egyptian Dig to Web Once Again 01/04
Johns Hopkins Researchers Receive Macarthur Grant to Study Housing Effects on Children 11/03
Holiday Civility Tip Sheet 10/03
U.S. Nonprofit Sector Feeling Squeeze of Government Budget Cuts 07/03
Five Professors Named to Krieger-Eisenhower Chairs 06/03
Vivian Kim Wins Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship 05/03
Brain Researcher Receives $500k Bristol-Myers Squibb Grant 05/03
Provost's Undergraduate Research Award: Johns Hopkins Senior Matthew Kroot Participates in Syrian Dig and Unearths Ancient Tomb 04/03
Mothers' Moves from Welfare to Work May Not Hurt Children 03/03
Iraq War Sources from the Johns Hopkins University 02/03
Media Advisory: Johns Hopkins professor available to comment on the cultures and politics of the Arab world through an analysis of the language situation 02/03
Baltimore Women "Getting by on the Minimum" 01/03
Media Advisory: Johns Hopkins professor Sonia Ryang available to comment on Korean culture 01/03
Archaeological Dig Resumes in Egypt -- and Online 12/02
Media Advisory: Witchcraft, Sex, Demons and God 10/02
Historian John Baldwin to Receive Legion of Honor 10/02
Gift Establishes Jewish Studies Program at Johns Hopkins 09/02
Johns Hopkins Professor is Curator of The Quest for Immortality 07/02
Digital Research Projects Get $3 Million 05/02
Male Starlings Sing a Song of Reproductive Fitness 04/02
Public Housing Can Have Positive Impacts on Children 04/02
Work Plus Welfare Means a Better Life for Low-Income Families 04/02
U.N. Unveils New Approach to Tracking Nonprofits Globally 03/02
Debut of 'Sick Transit' Video 03/02
Witch Hunts an Indirect Effort to Prove God Exists, Scholar Says 02/02
Welfare Reform Sources 02/02
10-Year Grant Extends Economist's Study of Out-of-Wedlock Births 01/02
Egyptian Dig Web Site A Hit, Returns in January 12/01
Child Care Should Meet Needs of Both Mothers and Children 12/01
Pros and Cons of Population Loss in Baltimore Neighborhoods: Policy Graduate Students Present Findings 11/01
Historian Says "Largest U.S. Slave Rebellion Plot" Never Happened 10/01
Welfare for Low-Income Families: Children of non-citizen immigrants are less likely to receive cash assistance 10/01
Speech Recognition Technology Will Search Holocaust Archives 10/01
Hopkins Psychologist Peter W. Jusczyk, 1948-2001 08/01
Health Coverage for Low-Income Families 08/01
Hopkins Undergraduates Honored for Research 04/01
Adults Dropped from Welfare Rolls Tend to Be Least Ready to Hold a Job 02/01
Hopkins Archeologists Discover Untouched Ancient Tomb 10/00
- News Release
- Facts about the Tomb of Umm-el-Marra
- Images from the Tomb of Umm-el-Marra
A Closer Look at Welfare Reform 09/00
Study Finds Welfare Recipients Understand Reform Rules Only Generally, Are Increasing Their Work Effort 07/00
Media Advisory: Mayors' Roundtable Discussion 06/00
Imports Contribute to Maryland Economy 06/2000
Johns Hopkins to Offer Advanced Training for Nonprofit Workers 05/2000
Newman Named Director of Institute for Policy Studies 05/2000
Essay on Service Wins Contest on Citizenship 04/2000
Maryland Nonprofits Employ More People Than Manufacturing 02/00
What's ahead for research universities in the 21st century? President William R. Brody shares his vision 01/00
Professor Wins 'Improving World Order' Award 11/99
Recording the Baltimore Civil Rights Struggle (09/99)
Grant to Provide Advanced Training for Nonprofit Workers 08/99
Orphanages: Father Flanagan or Fagin? A Social History of the Institution that Spawned Welfare 07/99
Documenting Success: 'Career Transcripts' Track Lifelong Learning 06/99
Technology Historian Declares Vegas Eighth Wonder, Arranges Field Trip to Site 01/99
From the Mind of Monkeys: New Clues to Evolution of Human Brain 01/99
Welfare Reform Sources 12/98
Johns Hopkins Grant Aims to Put the Hardest-to-Employ on the 'Career' Track 11/98
Johns Hopkins-led Study Finds Nonprofit Sector is a Burgeoning, Economic Force 11/98
What Welfare Recipients Are Saying about Welfare Reform 06/98
Hopkins Professor Makes Career Choices His Job 09/97
Hopkins Program Focuses on Citizenship 03/97
Hopkins Library to Send Publications to Rwanda 02/97
Hopkins Philosopher Examines Philanthropy 02/97
Media Advisory: Source on Social Security Privatization 12/96
Anthropology News Tips from the Johns Hopkins University 06/96
News Tips on Archaeology and Egyptology from Johns Hopkins 09/95
Hopkins Collection Reflects History of Social Work 04/95
"To Do" Lists and Other Jottings from Ancient Egypt 03/95
Hopkins Archaeologist Digging for Answers at Syrian Site 05/94

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Office of News and Information. All rights reserved.
Last updated 15May09 by [email protected]